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Shipping policy

we are committed to ensuring that your orders are processed and delivered to you as smoothly and quickly as possible. Please take a moment to read through our shipping policy to understand how we handle shipping and delivery times.

Shipping Regions

We currently ship across India. International shipping is not available at this time.

Order Processing Time

Orders are processed within 1-2 business days. Orders placed after 12 PM or on weekends/holidays will be processed on the next business day.

Shipping & Delivery Time

Delivery within 6-7 business days. Delivery times are estimates and may vary due to external factors such as shipping carrier delays, weather, or remote delivery locations.

Delivery Address

Please ensure that the shipping address provided is complete and accurate your PIN Code should be correct. We are not responsible for orders delivered to incorrect or incomplete addresses provided by customers.

Changes to the Shipping Policy

We reserve the right to update this shipping policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page and will take effect immediately.