How to experience Intimate Sex?,One of the most important roles of husband and wife is maintaining un-hampered intimacy with mutual understanding. Both of them need to understand one’s feelings at special moments. Whereas it’s important to honor those feelings, it’s more important to ensure safe & healthy sex. Any negligence may result in serious ill-health conditions in the partner spouse.  Being a true partner, you have to care the health concerns of your partner, as well as your own.

Genital hygiene & intimate moments

Now, think about the situation when either you’re not prepared, or you are unfit to honour those feelings due to unhygienic genitals. Otherwise also, she, your wife may also object about the same at that time.

What could be the consequences? Either contacting some infections or adding bitterness to your family life? By taking a simple precaution, you can avoid this situation. The common solution for both the issues is – “Use A Premium Intimate Wash For Men”.

You can’t afford to ignore serious health concerns

Ordinary Soap Intimate Wash For Men – What Do You Need? This is one of the key concerns.

When it’s about the hygiene of the private parts, the question that comes, rather should always come to your mind, what’s the right way – just simple cleaning with any ordinary soap or using specially manufactured & medicated solutions for an intimate wash for men & women?  Our skin and internal parts of the body are prone to contact, carry and communicate infections.  Some of them are life-threatening, for example STVD & AIDS. A small negligence can cost heavy on health.

Why do you need intimate wash for men?

The issues related to the cleaning and hygiene of genitals by men are completely different from women. The biological regular cycles of both are unmatched. And so the methods of cleaning the genitals need to be different.

Most women at a young age, get infected by vaginal infections and yeast. Male genitals are likely to carry and transport the bacteria while having sex.

Ordinary soap can remove the dirt. They cannot kill the microbial germs and bacteria. Moreover, you cannot apply soap in the internal layers or folds of your private parts. Microbial germs and bacteria sitting there remain unaffected while you take bath or clean genitals with an ordinary soap. The result is, as soon as you complete the bath, those microbial germs and bacteria may travel to outer skin across the pelvic region.

Therefore, your requirement is solutions for intimate wash for men, and not just any soap.

Janaab intimate wash for men

Janaab “Intimate Wash For Men” enjoys a  great reputation of one of the finest genital hygiene products. Janaab offers this world-class product that ensures completely safe & perfect intimacy.  This is one of many factors as to why most of husbands trust Janaab Intimate Wash For Men.